Saturday 24 December 2011

How to hack images on Flickr ( Save Copyrighted Images )

Well you can save Flickr images but not all at all off course. There are some copyrighted images that can not be saved in a simpler way. I will show you how to save copyrighted images from Flickr.

Follow me step by step.

1. Go to Flickr and select the image you want to save.

 2. Right Click on page at empty space and click view page source ( May vary in different browsers )

3. Press CTRL+F and Find JPG

4. Click Next Button and Find image in this format

You can easily find this kind of image by clicking next button two times in find bar as show below

5. Click on Image URL 

6. Image will be displayed. Right Click on image and click "save image as" and save image.

7. That' it you are done. Enjoy Saving Images.

Monday 19 December 2011

Windows XP to vista conversion

Are you having windows XP since a long time? are you tired of your same look ? Now you can use windows Vista theme for windows XP.

Here is how your windows will look after transformation.

As you can see you may have a complete new look for your windows. The best thing about this theme is it is totally free but you can upgrade it for better look.
You can search directly from your start menu.

It is not ended here. It will transform your theme but also will add some widgets to your desktop. Here is a preview of some of widgets. You can add widgets later too.

I recommend you to download this theme. In fact, it is not just a theme but it is transformation of windows XP look to windows Vista look.

Size: 11.89MB
Price: Free


Crazy Talk 6 Review - Video Editing Software

Size: 81.99MB 
Price: Free to try (15-day trial); $149.95 to buy 
Windows XP/Vista/7

Are you a professional in video editing? Do you want to have some fun with your photos? Then answer is here. Crazy Talk 6 will let your digital photos to talk and come alive.

You can add your own image and voice and your photo will start speaking in your voice. You can also add text and Crazy Talk will change it to voice for you. You can also have fun with ready made templates including model pictures and voices.

Add a photo , add a voice or text , and follow a single easy step and your own image will start speaking. You can change your photo mouth, eyes color and much more. I am sure if you are using fun morph you would also like to use it.

                                                     Download Trail

Tuesday 13 December 2011

How to Add Meta Tags and Blog Description to Blogger Blogspot

Meta tags are very helpful for search engines to find your site. Actually they describe your site. You can add meta tags to blogger blogs too.

Here is step by step on how to add meta tags to blog spot blogs.

1. Login to your blogger account

2. Go to Blogger DashboardDesign – and click Edit HTML

3. Search(Ctrl+F) for the following code in the header at the top:
<b:include data=‘blog’ name=‘all-head-content’ />

4. Now paste the following code right after the above line:

<meta content=‘YOUR BLOG DESCRIPTION HERE’ name=‘description’ />
<meta content=‘YOUR RELEVANT KEYWORDS HERE’ name=‘keywords’ />
<meta content=‘YOUR NAME HERE’ name=‘author’ />
<meta content=‘ALL’ name=‘ROBOTS’ />
<meta content=‘blogger’ name=‘generator’ />
5. Save the template and you are done

Monday 12 December 2011

8 SEO tips for blogger blogspot

Some people think there is no SEO importance for blogger. But like all other platforms blogger has also importance for SEO. Here in detail I will tell you tips and tricks for better Blog Spot SEO.

1. Blogger Title Tags

Blogger title tags have much importance for higher search engine traffic. You must to take care of your blogger title. Write exactly in title what your content describes. Your title must not be like " 23 easy steps you must take in order to make money" . It is very bad form of title. It must be written as " 23 ways to make money " . I think blogger title tags have most importance for your Blog Spot SEO.

Your title format not should be like Your Blog Name :  Post Title but it should be like Post Title : Blog Name
Read How to optimize blogger Title for how to arrange your title .

2.Add Meta Tags and Blog Description to Blogger
Adding meta keywords and a blog description to your Blogger Blogspot blog can boost your rankings by helping visitors locate your blog using keyword and keyword phrases.

Read Adding meta tags for blogger blogs

3. Use Keywords in Alt Tags and Image Titles
Optimize the images used on your blog by making use of the alt tags and image titles.

4. Use Target Keywords in Your Post Content
Make sure you know your targeted keywords and use them within your post content. One of the factors in determining rankings is the relevance of the targeted keywords in relationship to the text that appears in the post content.

5. Optimize Your Blogger Permalinks
Hand in hand with a title tag is the permanent permalink that is created when a post is published. If the title of the post is more than about 35 characters long you will strike problems with Blogger because it will shorten the title to a 35-40 character permalink. Some very ugly results happen because of this factor.

6. Improve SEO by Making Use of Headings for Post Titles
Heading tags are important for optimal SEO. Most templates use html header tags sized <h2> or <h3> for the post title. In the past major search engines like Google gave precedence to tags with <h1> ahead of anything else but how important <h1> tags are today is less certain. You could tweak the heading size of your post title if you wish however take care to ensure the look of your template isn't compromised. A bigger font will result and this may mean other parts of your blog will need to be adjusted to compensate. To find out what size your blog title is look for the following lines in your template.

<b:if cond='data:post.title'>
<h3 class='post-title entry-title'>
<b:if cond=''>
<a expr:href=''>&t/a>
<b:if cond='data:post.url'>
<a expr:href='data:post.url'></a>

As can be seen this template blog title is in <h3>. To change the size of the tags just substitute the appropriate header tag where <h3> appears

7. Improve SEO By Making Use of Heading Tags Within Posts
Heading tags can be used to good effect in your posts. Make sure you have only one <h1> heading per page if you have one at all and reserve this for your post title. Make use of <h2> and <h3> headings throughout your post to emphasize key points and targeted keywords. Major search engines do take notice of <h2> and <h3> headings when crawling your blog. To add emphasis to a heading within your blog simply enclose the heading in <h3> tags. 

8. Add Breadcrumb Navigation to your Blogger Blog
Breadcrumb Navigation is very important SEO tool used by many blogger

Visit Breadcrumb Navigation for Blogger to know more about Breadcrumb navigation 

Saturday 10 December 2011

How to make money online surfing websites

Making money through ad surfing is not a good source to make money. You earn a little amount by viewing sites. You can get up to 5 cents per view. You also get 100 commission for your references. It means if your referred member earns 10USD you will also get 10USD commission. You can earn a small amount of money surfing ads. There are lot of sites, that pay you for surfing ads. You can earn more money by viewing many sites at once. It will not give you a boost but it is enough as part time. You can surf ads and listen to your favorite song and video at same time by running websites in your background. I suggest you to use it only for your spare time and don't make it a profession. It doesn't means it couldn't be a profession but I mean it is hard to make it profession. You can make it profession only if you can refer active members.

Is it a scam?

No, not at all. They really pay you per page view. But beware, some websites maybe scam.

Do I need money to start?

No, you don't need money to start ad surfing job. It is 100% free to start this job.

How much could I earn?

Earning potential is very less but what about a bit extra income. It is not a very serious job and best for newbies.

It takes longer?

It depends upon the method you are using. You can surf through all the sites at same time. So you would earn your money in 5-10 minutes.
If you are surfing one by one it may take more time.

How much time I need to do job?

You can spent 1 minute to whole day.

How would I receive money?

You will receive money through AlertPay. If you don't have an account just make one now. It is 100% free. Make an account by clicking link below.

Which sites are offering ad surfing services

Here is a list of different sites offering ad services. There price per view varies.

* If you are referred or not referred by someone, you will get your complete money.


NEO BUX offers small payment per view. You will get only 0.001USD per click which is too smaller. They offer payout via PayPal and AlertPay.


They are offering normal payments of 0.01USD per view. It is good to join this site. 



View best ads offers 0.01USD per click. They also offer 4USD sign up bonus. VIEW BEST ADS pay through alert pay. Write 594896 as referrer ID


The website is currently being launched. But I suggest to join it because they have most activity.


They pay 0.01 per view. They also offer many schemes.


Same as WOLVERINE but if your IP adress is changed you can not login.

7. 10BUX

They are offering 0.001 per view. This is quite lower. I don't recommend it.


They offer 0.007 per view. Payment is smaller but still you can do it at last.


They pay different for viewing different ads. You may skip low money ads.


They offer 0.05 USD per ad view. This is highest price per view so you must join it. You may earn .45USD for viewing 9 ads.

Share your own sites list. More sites will be listed soon.

Make Money Blogging Online

What is blogging?

I don't know what is exact definition of blogging but I may define blogging as
Writing and publishing articles on a blog platform i.e. WordPress,Blogger for money or for some other purpose
My site is also a blog hosted at . I hope you have got idea of what a blog is

Where to start?

I suggest you start using free hosting. Write articles there and earn money for traffic in your articles. You may also use or WordPress pro hosting but they are difficult for beginners.

How Do I earn money through blogging?

First of all you must to write articles at your blog. If you are getting visitors to your blog it means your job is good. Now place ads on your blog and earn money per click on ad. If you are writing articles regularly but are not having enough traffic I suggest you to write articles on how to get traffic to your blog. I am sure you will get hundreds of these online.

How to get Ads?

You may get ads from It may take upto two days to get your google adsense account approved. You may search for many other ad service providers online.

How much will I earn?

You may earn from 0USD to unlimited amount. It depends upon traffic of your blog and topic of your blog. Many people are still struggling to earn from Google but still many people are making hundreds of dollars per day easily.

8 Website to make money selling web templates

Are you a web designer? Having some designs to sell? then you are at right place. You can earn handsome money for your designs. You can earn up to 1000USD per template or maybe more. If you are an expert web designer you can make averagely 500USD per template for sure which is fine for a jobless web designer. Even it is fine for web designers having good jobs.

Here is a list of website that will sell your templates for you and give you up to 75% money of sales from your templates. Commission and sales may vary on different websites.

1. ThemeForest

No doubt, my first choice is ThemeForest . It is best place for you templates to be sold. Thousands of web designers are earning handsome money at this site. Many of web designing companies buy templates from this website.

It is best for all kind of web designers. You can sell templates of about every platform. Platforms include WP,Web Templates, eCommerce and many more.

2. Templamatic

Templamatic has some simple requirements for templates it posts for sale: valid HTML and CSS mark-up, cross-browser compatibility and no copyright problems. In exchange, the site offers web designers 65% of all sales. Uploading a template or theme is a matter of setting up a free account and adding your work. You can set your own price for your work — although it’s important to remember that you don’t get the full amount you set. Templamatic accepts a variety of templates, including WordPress, Drupal and Joomla. The site also accepts skins for MySpace, phpBB and other social sites and platforms. All templates and themes are approved by Templamatic staff before they become available on the website.

3. BuyStockDesign

BuyStockDesign is a fairly new marketplace that allows you to upload files and make between 50-75% of every sale. They allow PSD, HTML, WordPress, as well as Joomla templates.  Prices start at only $5 and go all the way up to $25. Minimum cash out is $50 via Paypal or similar systems. All files include source files. The site’s selection is not very big at this time, but the site looks promising and should keep growing. You can sign up as an author and sell templates.

4. FlashDen

There are plenty of sites that sell specific types of templates. FlashDen is one site that handles only Flash website templates, along with a few other Flash files. FlashDen is owned by the same network as ThemeForest and operates in a similar manner. You receive a percentage of every sale, with higher rates for exclusive templates. You’ll also need to complete a quiz to begin selling on FlashDen — you can start the process at the Author Program page. The network that owns FlashDen and ThemeForest also provide opportunities to sell audio and video files.

5. SitePoint

While SitePoint’s Template Marketplace may look like just another forum, it provides a forum with templates for sale. The marketplace does lean towards WordPress themes, but you can list just about any kind of website template you have available. There is a fee to list your templates — but Sitepoint does not take a cut of your sales. To begin selling on Sitepoint, you’ll need to create a listing for a new auction. You set your price when you create a listing, as well as establishing whether a template is exclusive to Sitepoint or if it is available elsewhere.

6. TalkFreelance

You’ll find that TalkFreelance operates similarly to SitePoint — along the lines of a forum. Overall, the site caters to webmasters and a specific forum has been set aside for web designers looking to sell themes or templates. You can set your own prices and hold auctions through TalkFreelance, and the site does not take any percentage of your sales. If you’re interested in selling through TalkFreelance, you’ll need to become a member of the forum. The site limits sales in its forums to members who have made at least five posts on the forums: there is a whole section of the site devoted to discussing web design, so the barrier to entry is not actually that high. There are a few other guidelines that TalkFreelance has established, which are available on the website.

7. Webmaster-Talk

There is a lot of potential for selling templates on webmaster forums: Webmaster-Talk is another good reason. These sites provide useful marketplaces because they cater to individuals who typically own multiple websites — a target audience more likely to purchase website templates than other demographics. There are minimal limitations on listing templates for sale at Webmaster-Talk. The site does automatically treat every listing as an auction, but you can easily sell multiple instances of a theme or template at any time.

8. eBay

You really can sell anything on eBay, including website templates. While it may be harder to sell pricier templates on eBay, the sheer quantity of buyers searching the website can mean a volume well worth the effort of selling your work on eBay. Website themes and templates sell on eBay exactly like any other product: you list the item you wish to sell and either set a ‘Buy It Now’ price or an auction. Depending on how many templates you want to sell, setting up an eBay store can be worthwhile: you can list multiple copies of a template for sale with a little more ease, as well as multiple templates with minimal efforts.

Friday 9 December 2011

18 Tips to increase your new blog traffic

Well you might me having a blog but not much traffic. So I decided to tell you some secrets on how to improve your blog and web traffic. I will explain many ways on how to improve your blog or web traffic for more earnings.

1. Write Good Articles

The best thing to do is to write good articles. Just write quality and unique articles at your blog. Don't just copy and paste. I think it is most fundamental part to make good traffic.

2. Keep Your Blog Updated

You need to keep your blog up to date. It is a very necessary part of a blog. If you will update your blog regularly you will get a good boost of traffic for sure. Just keep in mind, no one likes to read one article again and again.

3. Good SEO

Good SEO is very important for better traffic to your blog. There are many techniques used for good SEO. If you don't know please search online about SEO for your desired platform i.e. Blogger or WordPress.

4.Participate at Related Forums

Participate at related forums and post some good threads with your link there. Good forums may boost your traffic.

5.Tag Your Content

Technorati is the first place that you should be tagging posts. I actually recommend having the tags right on your page, pointing to the Technorati searches that you're targeting. There are other good places to ping - and Flickr being the two most obvious (the only other one is Blogmarks, which is much smaller). Tagging content can also be valuable to help give you a "bump" towards getting traffic from big sites like Reddit, Digg & StumbleUpon (which requires that you download the toolbar, but trust me - it's worth it). You DO NOT want to submit every post to these sites, but that one out of twenty (see tactic #18) is worth your while.

6. Launch Without Comments (and Add Them Later)

There's something sad about a blog with 0 comments on every post. It feels dead, empty and unpopular. Luckily, there's an easy solution - don't offer the ability to post comments on the blog and no one will know that you only get 20 uniques a day. Once you're upwards of 100 RSS subscribers and/or 750 unique visitors per day, you can open up the comments and see light activity. Comments are often how tech-savvy new visitors judge the popularity of a site (and thus, its worth), so play to your strengths and keep your obscurity private.

7. Invite Guest Bloggers

Asking a well known personality in your niche to contribute a short blog on their subject of expertise is a great way to grow the value and reach of your blog. You not only flatter the person by acknowledging their celebrity, you nearly guarantee yourself a link or at least an association with a brand that can earn you readers. Just be sure that you really are getting a quality post from someone that's as close to universally popular and admired as possible (unless you want to start playing the drama linkbait game, which I personally abhor). If you're already somewhat popular, it can often be valuable to look outside your space and bring in guest authors who have a very unique angle or subject matter to help spice up your focus. One note about guest bloggers - make sure they agree to have their work edited by you before it's posted. A disagreement on this subject after the fact can have negative ramifications.

8. Submit Your Blog to Search Engines

Get on the radar screen for the popular search engines such as Google and Yahoo! by submitting your blog's URL to them. Most search engines provide a 'Submit' link (or something similar) to notify the search engine of your new blog, so those search engines will crawl it and include your pages in their results.
It's important to understand that simply submitting your blog to search engines doesn't mean your pages will appear at the top of a Google search results screen, but at least your blog will be included and will have the chance of being picked up by a search engine.

9. Use and Update Your Blogroll

By adding links to sites you like in your blogroll, the owners of those blogs will find your blog and will be likely to add a reciprocal link in their blogrolls. It's an easy way to get the link to your blog in front of many readers on other blogs. The hope is that some of those readers will click on the link to your blog on the other blogs' blogrolls and find your content interesting and enjoyable turning them into loyal readers.
10. Submit Your Posts to Social Bookmarking Sites

Taking the time to submit your best posts to social bookmarking sites such as Digg, StumbleUpon, Reddit and more can be a simple way to quickly boost traffic to your blog.

11. Use Images

Use good and most relevant images in your posts. Always use one image per post to gain attraction. Do not use more images because it may cause increase in page loading time.

12. Comment on Others Blogs

Comment of most famous blogs relevant to your blog and include a link to your blog. Do not put your blog link in comments but enter it where website name is asked. If you can not see a text box to enter your web address then you may include your blog or web link in your comment.

13. Link & Banner Exchange

Use link and banner exchange. It is a good way to increase your blog traffic. Contact with most relevant blogger and ask them to put a link of your blog on their blog. In return you will place their link at a visible place in your blog.

14. YouTube Videos

If you can make some good videos relevant to your blog then it would be good for your blog. Sign Up for YouTube create your video channel there and upload some videos there relevant to your blog. Place link to your blog in description section. If you make it possible to increase your videos views then you might increase your blog traffic too much.

15. Write Guest Articles 

Write guest posts at most relevant blog and include your blog link in the articles. Make sure to write unique content.

16. Submit at Directories

Submit your blog at good web directories. You can make good amount of traffic submitting your blog at all good web directories.

Here is a list of some good web directories.

17. Sharing Buttons
Add sharing buttons at your blog. I think sharing buttons are necessary part of a blog.
18. Ads 
 Don't place ads at new blogs until they start getting good traffic. Otherwise you may lose some of your traffic and for sure you are not going to earn handsome amount at your new blog. 


Thursday 8 December 2011

16 Sites to make money writing articles online

Are you good at article writing? Is your English good? then you can earn good amount of money for writing unique quality articles. You can get 2 to 30USD per article or some websites may pay you more if you are expert in doing it. I think it is enough amount to get you satisfied.

Here are some of sites that pay you for writing unique quality articles.

1. Wikio Experts works on pay per post basis, this means that for every accepted article you will be paid up to 15 euro. Speaking of article length – you have to write articles between 200 and 400 words.
One of the main advantages of is that you receive money for every accepted article and receive your pay as soon as your account balance reaches 10 euro. All payments are handled by PayPal.

2. EditFast

EditFast pays you 10USD per article. You can write article on huge number of keywords given by them or you can write article on craft of writing or even can review a software.

3. ExpertColumn

ExpertColumn pay you on revenue sharing basis. It means you will publish your article and you will get a share of Ad sense money from their site. Best thing about this website is you don't need an Ad sense account.


The well known famous article publishing platform and each of the published page is termed as “Lens”. Squidoo has variety of topics covered and you have the full freedom to manage and write your content same like your own website. The advantage is that you could connect with other squidoo users. There are millions of squidoo users who are making fun out of creating lenses. It has more than 1,000,000 lenses.
You could signup for Google Adsense and get a percentage of adsense income from squidoo. Apart from that you could get a share for Amazon products sold and much more. Refer their Getting Started page for exact sharing details.


The alternate site to Squidoo and its also the most famous article writing site. I have used hubpages and found its too fun. Because, its quite easy and simple to create well formatted content. More interestingly, Hubpages get more traffic from search engines and for sure you could make good income from this site. It shares you Google Adsense income, its quite simple to integrate your Adsense account into hubpages or you could get one account from Hubpages.
Apart from Adsense, you could use Amazon, eBay, Kontera etc on hubpages and you will earn a percentage of income from hubpages. Just refer their Tours page for exact sharing details.


An instant to write article, opinion, news or anything from short to long that you post on xomba. Posts are called Xombytes. It’s again Google Adsense reveneue sharing site. Generally, xomba is use to create quick back links and to drive quick traffic to your own blogs but you could make some extra income by joining Xomba. The advantage is that you can write short posts on xomba, especially for Lazy people


A good site to share everything from writing articles, sharing videos and images. The best thing is that you will be paid 100% revenue that you make out of your pages or videos or images. Not only your writing skills, you could organize your own videos and images on Flixya. Its more fun to work with Flixya because you could manage your personal videos and images online by making extra money. You could create a cool profile, make friends and enjoy working with Flixya. Register with Flixya here for free.


  – A site to share your knowledge and earn money for that based on the traffic you gained. Publish articles on Bukisa, drive traffic and get earn money for every 1000 hits your page makes. You will be paid a fixed amount for every 1000 hits and more traffic you generate, you will earn more money. The earnings are not so great but you could make few extra money.

9. Triond

Triond pay you on revenue share basis. You write article, they publish your article on most relevant website and you get 50% of ads revenue earned by your article.

10.  eHow

Ehow is an online site where writers can submit how-to style articles and get paid a residual income. eHow is in the class of new websites called revenue sharing sites. These sites allow the writer to make a small amount money on each article posted by sharing advertising revenue with site members, calculating total number of page views for each article, or a combination thereof.

11. Yahoo! Contributor Network

This site allows writers, photographers, and videographers to share their knowledge and passion with hundreds of millions of people worldwide. It pays amount of between $2.00 and $4.00 per article. However, if your article get higher rank, you can earn $6.00 – $8.00 per article. And besides, For every 1000 views your article receives, you receive $1.50.


Helium has lots of ways to start writing, you can publish articles under already existing titles or submit new titles. Helium only paid when your articles get viewed. At some categories, you can also get paid for submission but at a low price. At helium you can get in their marketplace to earn money, marketplace is a place where You have to write high quality articles on demand to succeed. However, marketplace is no place for beginners. There is a fierce competition.

13. Triond

Triond is great website for beginning writers, also skilled writers. The Triond income for each content item is calculated as follows: Earnings = page views * eRPM / 1000. “eRPM stands for effective-revenues-per-millennium, or, more simply, the amount of revenue generated for each 1,000 page views. The eRPM is mainly affected by the media type and the content topic”. You can sign up Triond here: 

14. ReviewStream

  where the writers write reviews on products and get paid.  You can review anything around you including: any products, hi-end technics, companies, hotels, politics, cities, stores on your street, or even your neighbors pets!

15. SheToldMe.Com

 SheToldMe is a revenue sharing website. They claim they share 100% revenue.

16. Infobarrel This website enables writers to earn money via Google Adsense, Chitika and Amazon affiliate program. And besides, you can refer people to InfoBarrel to get referral revenue.

Read More:

Blogger eCommerce Store ( Gallery ) Template 2012 - Free Download

Platform : Blogger / Blogspot
Template Name : Blogger Store V.2
Template Author :Java Templates
Url Author :
Designer : Java Templates and Blogger Templates 2012

Description : I added some new features that do not exist in previous versions, and here the features you can find on this template. SimpleCart.js v2.2.2 (This template still using SimpleCart.js v.2.2.2 by The Wojo Group as ShoppingCart framework. Since I did some editing on this script, now you can using Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) for the currency. But it’s just a fake because Indonesian Rupiah currently not listed on Paypal). Animated ShoppingCart (I added a little animation effects on shopping cart, at default position he would not be visible and show only the total item and the total price and will be visible if you click on shopping cart menu. It will further reduce the use of space on your blog page). Superfish Menu (I’ve added 2 pieces of dropdown menu, Top Secondary and Primary menu. I use superfish for it because I think superfish is better and give a softer effect than jQuery sliding menu on blogger store old version. Automatic Featured Content with jQuery Carousel Fred (As my framework i always using automatic methode for all of my template. and specially for Blogger Store v2.0 I’m using Automatic featured content from jQuery Crausel Fred v.4.5.2, this is automaticly work to displaying product by label or recent product also can display from another source, just need a several setting). Grid and List Style post integrated with jQuery Plugin (This is a great one !! you will see two view style on this template, default is Grid style and will be change to List style if you click switcher button. This feature is integrated with jQuery Cookie Plugin, so the visitor can see style of the last time they visited). Advanced Blogger Template Designer Support (This feature gives you flexibility to customize the background and color of template on Template Designer, so you can get unlimited color and unlimited font for your template, available for : Body Background Color, Main Text Color, Font Style and Size, Text Link Color, Background Menu Color, Background and border for Shopping Cart Color). This template also have several additional features (Social Bookmark Icon, Search Form, Ads Space, Animated Sponsors Logo and Pattern Background).

View themes live demoView themes live demo

Wednesday 7 December 2011

How to optimize blogger blogspot title for better SEO

This is called "Blogger/blogspot Title Swapping".This will give your blog better search engine rankings. It is always good to have your main keywords(Post title) of a specific blog post at the start rather than placing your blog title at the start. This situation becomes very bad if your blog title is very long.

As usual,Login To Blogger Go To > Design > Edit HTML.

and mark the tick box "Expand Widget Templates"

Then, find (CTRL+F) this code in the template.

 Now, replace that line with these:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<title><data:blog.pageName/> |<data:blog.title/></title>
<title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title> </b:if>
Now click save the Template and you are done.

10 Sites to Make Money Sharing Images Online

Copyrighted by FreeDigitalPhotos

You must be sharing images online with your friends and family, How about a little cash return. Yes you can make money by sharing images online. You can earn a few extra bucks just for sharing your images. Some sites might pay you just for views and others will pay you if someone downloads your pics.

Here are some of website that pays for sharing images.

Share Pic

Share Pic pays you per thousand views. They pay you 0.22USD per thousand views. You can directly publish your photos to Face Book using this website. You can share your car pics, your pets pics or even your own pics. Minimum payout amount is 20.00USD. Primary method of payout is via PayPal but you can payout using various gift cards such as



ShutterStock pay you for selling your images. They pay you 0.25USD to 28USD per sale of your image depending upon your image. It is a good method of earning if you are a professional photographer or if you have some amazing unique images owned by you.

A great Photography revenue sharing site where you can earn money from sharing your photos. You must have a Google ad sense account (its free). After submitting your photos, your ad sense code will be placed on your profile and download page. And they will share 80% of the revenue generated by Google ad sense ads with you. 80% is a lot!
You can get paid to share your photos, videos and even blogs. They give you 100% of the revenue generated by your pics and videos, which is great.
A fairly new photograph revenue sharing site, which is growing quickly. Upload video, photo and blog and earn money. You can use Google ad sense to monetize your pages. The best thing is that you get to keep 100% of the revenue generated.

Picable : Start uploading and sharing your photos for free and earn monthly Royalties for them.

BritePic : BritePic adds interactivity {Email this image, Link to this image, Zoom in and out, Captions that slide out, Subscribe to RSS, etc.} and Ads from AdBrite (if you want them) to the photos on your website. Upload your pictures and get the ad revenue, even if your pic is embedded elsewhere.

Citizen : Image Photographers, join now and start uploading the images you want to sell immediately. Citizen Image will market and sell your images by proactively pushing them ont their website to the editorial, creative and the media buyers that matters.

TubeImage : Gives you the option to earn money using AdSense by setting up a share system that allows you to earn 100 % revenues from your image uploads.


PicEarns pay you per thousand impressions. They pay 0.35USD per thousand impression which is quite good. Minimum payout is 10USD via check or PayPal. They claim you will get your money in 7 days after payout

If you know such sites please share in comment section. Thanks

Monday 5 December 2011

Free Download Borno Sporty Blogger Template

Platform : Blogger / Blogspot
Name : Borneo Sporty
Author : Borneo Templates
Url :
Designer : Herdiansyah Hamzah
Url :

Template Description : Borneo Sporty is blogger templates with magazine style design, 3 colums layout, elegant featured slideshow, simple menu horizontal, share button ready on postpage, adsense and SEO ready, hosted image on blogger, best view on Mozilla, Chrome, Opera, IE 6,IE 7,IE 8 and IE 9, SEO friendly blogger title hack installed to help you rank higher in Google, and more.

View themes live demodownload themes now

Template Rules :

First, do not change the credit link at the bottom of this template. delete or modify this template links, as well as premises did not appreciate my work. Second, this template for free, not for sale. for it is forbidden to sell this template to any company or business without my knowledge, and Third, after you see a live demo of this template, please leave your comment. this is important as an input for me to make a template that is much better in the future.

Warm Regards,

Make Money Posting on Forums

Are you much active at forums? But what your activity returned you? Yes, now you can earn extra cash just by posting on forums. You can make 0.01USD per post or more just by posting at some forums. Earning potential is not too much but it is good to have a small bonus just by posting at your desired category forum. But still you need some skills.

First of all you need time. Time is primary requirement of every job. Secondly, you need to be social so you can make quality forums posts. Here are a few tips to make more money through this job.

Tip 1 : Apply to as many paid forum posting teams as you can (most of them are likely not to accept posting newbies.
Tip 2 :You have to understand that new posters are making less money, so you have to do your best to earn more money per post created (the average price per post for a newbie poster is 0.1$, but for experienced posters rates reach up to 0.4$ per post created)
Tip 3 : Don’t take on too many posting jobs, because all claimed jobs must be completed, or your reputation will turn red and you can be kicked out. Start working 30-60 minutes a day and that may guarantee you extra 100$ online. If you do great, you can easily make 10$/hour
Tip 4 : Don’t go for quantity, value the buyer and submit quality content. The better your posts are, the more money you can make.

Here are some websites that pay for posting on forums.

1.PayPerPost Forum
( )

- Earn cash for posting in various forums
- Earn a minimum of $0.05 or more per post
- Low $5 minimum payout
- High variety of forums
- Earn cash for submitting articles
- Earn commissions for referring others

2- Code4Gold

Another pay per post forum that is going strong, and probably one of the very few that lasted over a year!
Their Basic Plan Goes Like This:
- 0.02 per post
- limit 20 posts per day for payment
- minimum $3 and 150 posts to cashout
- maximum $20 cashout
Payments are made around the 1st and 15th of every month. You can request a cashout at any time.

3- GlobalGoldTalk

A fantastic forum that promises a lot.
4 points per Thread
4 points per Post
5 Points per referal
1 point on your birthday have to PM on your Birthday.(a small but a lovely
gift to members)
1 point for good reputation
-1 point for bad reputation.
Referal multiplier commision is 4 posts of your referral, you will get 1 post points.i.e 16 points of referree activity you get commission of 4 points for their activity.You its gonna be a great one.
4 points = $0.02 , or 2 cents per post. Minimum payout $2 , once you reach this level PM them and they’ll pay you as soon as possible. Payement processors: PAYPAL & E-GOLD
All your referals should be active enough to earn points, they won’t be counted for payement, so those points will not be included in the total points at the time of payement. Make sure you have active referals.
You Can Join Globalgoldtalk here.

4- HYIPStalk Investment Forum
Join For FREE and Earn By Posting;
-Get 5 cents per post-if you make 20 posts per day that is $1-the minimum payout is $5-therefore; make 20 posts per day and get $5 every 5 days-you can earn more by referring-max posts per day=20-if you post more than that, you get removed !
You Can Join Hyipstalk here.

5- MoneyTalkPro
Another great forum that uses points called MTP Points. Each post that you make in a paying category will be worth (4) MTP Points.You can earn MTP Points by doing the following tasks:
-Paid to Post: Members can earn 4 points per post in the designated areas
by following the Get-Paid-To-Post Guidelines.
-Paid to Promote: Members can earn 10 points for every member they refer
to the forums that make at least 10 payable posts each.Respect: (Formally known as “Karma”) Members who produce exemplary posts or otherwise contribute to the staff or forums in any way may be rewarded in the form of Respect points. Members who constantly violate the forum rules or are nuisances on the forums will lose Respect points. Each Respect point is now worth 25 MTP Points (Karma points were only worth 10 MTP points before). Visit the site for more details on this feature.
-MTP Forum Games: Special prizes will be awarded in the form of MTP Points for participating and winning in our exclusive MTP Forum Games. Rules and prizes for each game are listed in their respective threads.
-MTP Arcade Games: Special tournaments and contests will be held in the MTP Arcade allowing players to have chances to win MTP Point prizes, Respect, and other rewards. The USD Value of MTP Points depends on you Membership Level. Points can be redeemed either weekly or monthly also dependant on your Membership Level. (Range from $0.005 to $0.010 per point). Cash payouts are made to major payment processors including e-Gold, PayPal, and AlertPay.
Join MoneyTalkPro here.

6- Betlik Forum

Another Good Forum, Useful info, and minimum payout $4.
You Can Join Betlik Forum here.
P.S. Betlik Forum recently changed owner. New owner has some new rules, and is only going to pay for posts made after he came. ;)

7- Satudebol Forum

1 post = $0.02
1 referral = $0.20
Minimum payment = $ 2
Payments will be made through egold or paypal.
About the payments for referrals:
1 active referral = $0.20
Active referral = 5 posts
*Note: You also have to post a min of 20 posts, to make use of the referral system or to view your referral options.
Join Satudebol here.

8- Got-Paid-Forum

A very cool forum. All members of will be paid 0.02 cents for each and every one of their qualifying posts (must be a min of 50 characters).
Members will also have a bet system that they will be able to bet on all different Hyips and conclusions with their earned money. A live chat system where members can chat at will.
*Now listen carefully… Here is a tasty bit!:

Have you ever been upset with another poster and wanted to get even with them?
You can put them in the Prison section. Just request an arrest warrant and if they are found guilty. They will have to raise bail or wait their sentence to get out!
Forum will also use the Prison if or when someone deserves to be disciplined for their behavior in the forum area.All Admin who scam the members will be sent to Prison for EVER!
As a member you will be able to participate in the referral program also. All active members referred by your link will be paid 0.10 cents. You will be able to track your referrals from your control panel. As a promotion and Grand Opening will be running a lot of Referral
contests. Join NOW to Find out more!
They will also be conducting many Due Diligence requests on some of the best Investment funds.
Join Got-Paid-Forum here.

9- InvestCop

You will earn points/$cash for:(points are only for counting purpose, all points are equal to $cash!)
-Every day, that you have at least 1 vote in their monitor (you must use same email for confirmation as your registration email in this forum): $0,01 / Voted day
-Every post with at least 25 chars (no spam or meanless posts!): $0,005 / post
-Every referral you bring and register in forum (use “AFFILIATE” menu to find your referral link): $0,05 / referral
-Every 10 referral posts in forum: $0,01 / 10 referral posts-Every 100 visitors from your referral link: $0,01 / 100 visitors
Soon: *Show of Monitor page (with your referral id) (you may put it in surf rotatirs and everywhere you want): $0,01 / 100 unique page views
You can cashout anytime if you have $0,10 or more in your cash (E-gold only).
There will be some other cash possibilities and they will fund some users cash with extra money.
You Can Join InvestCop Here.

10- GoldAge

Goldage’s forum is a pay-to-post forum that specializes in digital currency, get-paid-to programs as well as investment opportunities. They operate via a point-system, which allows you to accumulate points by starting new threads, replying to posts or referring new members.
For example, You’ll earn 5 points for replying to a post and 3 points for starting one. In terms of money, these points are equivalent to earning 5 cents per reply and 3 cents for a new thread. Not that impressively, but Goldage has some good points, which might make it worth your time.
As a way of being loyal/true to their niche, GoldAge turns away from the grubby fingers of commission-hungry Paypal to other means of electronic funds. For instance, you’ll only have the option of receiving payments via either Liberty Reserve or E-Gold, two very flexible ways to receive and transmit money online. You can also find some payment proofs and a scam
section (members list scam sites) in their forums.
A quick overview of some of GoldAge’s benefits:
-Gold-based digital currencies allow users from ALL countries to get paid.
-An incredible amount of information on digital currencies and low and high yield investment businesses.
-Members are very open to affiliate promotion and referral links
-Referral program allows you to earn 10% of other user’s earnings.
You Can Join Goldage forum here.

11- InstantGoldMoney

You will get 1 cent for every new topic and 1.5 cent for every new reply. Minimum payout is 25 cents. They have a SHOP and owner has *temporarily disabled the referral system, to suit upcoming new referral contest. If you are already a member here, please edit the places where you have placed the referral system.
Min Cashout = 25 IGM credits (25 cents)Max Cashout = 100 IGM Credits everyday ($1)Also they pay only multiples of 25. Like 25, 50, 75, 100. For payout just donate the money to admin, and mention your Egold or PayPal or Liberty Reserve in the Message space. He will pay you everyday. Admin will also be starting many contests and prizes for the active members. Please be sure to be active.
Join InstantGoldMoney here.

Sunday 4 December 2011

C++ Tutorial Part 9 Conditional Operator - Urdu / Hindi

C++ Tutorial Part 8 Else If Else Statement - Urdu / Hindi

C++ Tutorial Part 7 If Else Statement - Urdu / Hindi

C++ Tutorial Part 6 Increment and Decrement - Urdu / Hindi

C++ Tutorial Part 5 User Input - Urdu / Hindi

C++ Part 4 Modifying Variables - Urdu / Hindi

C++ Tutorial Part 3 Variables - Urdu / Hindi

C++ Tutorial Part 2 Basic Syntax - Urdu / Hindi

C++ tutorial Part 1 Installing Compiler - Urdu

Monday 14 November 2011

A glance at big differences between Amazon’s Kindle Fire tablet computer and Apple’s iPad

A look at some of the major differences between Inc.’s tablet computer, the Kindle Fire, and Apple Inc.’s popular iPad:

Price: The Kindle Fire, which connects to the Internet over Wi-Fi networks, costs $199. The iPad costs $499 to $829, depending on storage capacity and its wireless capabilities. Some iPad models can access cellular networks.

Screen size: The Kindle Fire’s display measures 7 inches diagonally, while the iPad has a 9.7-inch display. That makes the Fire’s screen a bit less than half the size of the iPad’s.

Software: The Kindle Fire runs Google Inc.’s Android software. The iPad uses Apple’s own iOS software.
Storage: The Kindle Fire includes 8 gigabytes of internal storage and free Web-based storage for any digital content you get from Amazon, such as Kindle e-books, movies or music. The iPad includes 16 GB to 64 GB of storage space, depending on price.

Thickness: The Kindle Fire is 0.45 inches thick; the iPad is 0.34 inches thick.
Weight: The Kindle Fire tips the scales at 14.6 ounces — slightly less than a pound — while the iPad weighs about 1.3 pounds.

Apps: Kindle Fire users have built-in access to the Amazon Appstore, which includes thousands of free and paid games and apps. By contrast, the iPad has a selection of apps that is about 50 times greater. Apple’s online App Store has more than 100,000 apps tailored specifically for the iPad — including apps for and the Kindle.

Camera: While the iPad has front and rear cameras for taking photos and video chatting, the Kindle Fire does not include a camera.

Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Saturday 12 November 2011

iPhone 5 release date: despite 4S goldrush, 12 month wait not expected

The iPhone 5 won’t see release date until a full year after the iPhone 4S launch, the logic goes, because new iPhone models are always around for exactly a year and because Apple always goes through two iterations of each iPhone body style for a year each before moving on to something new. But that logic, while widely believed, it flawed on both ends. The first was once true: Apple routinely released a new iPhone each summer from 2007 to 2010, creating an expectation that it would do so again in the summer of 2011 and shocking many would-be customers when the anniversary came and went with nary a peep. The iPhone wasn’t ultimately updated until October of this year, after the iPhone 4 was on the market for sixteen months, thus ending Apple’s era of consistent annual iPhone launches. That means the iPhone 5 release date could come at any time in 2012, as Apple is no longer on its annual release schedule and could take corrective action in any manner it wants. And now the other half of the logic goes faulty as well, the part about the iPhone 4S having been part of the plan Reports surfaced this week confirming what seemed to be the case all along: Apple had been aiming for a summer 2011 release for the iPhone 5, kept pushing it back because it wasn’t ready yet, and only launched the iPhone 4S as its new “flagship” iPhone model in October because it felt like it needed an updated hardware model heading into the holiday shopping season and because new technologies like the A5, Siri, and iOS 5 were ready for launch even if the iPhone 5 itself wasn’t. That means the notion that Apple “always” does two iterations of each phone, a popular one despite the fact that Apple has only ever done it on purpose once (3G and 3S), wasn’t the case this year. Apple was looking to do an entirely new iPhone, couldn’t pull it off in time, and went with a rehash as a fallback. In that light, it makes one wonder if the 3GS wasn’t a result of the same fallback scenario rather than having been any part of any intended gameplan. And if the iPhone 4S wasn’t even supposed to exist, or was supposed to be merely a bargain sidekick to debut alongside the real iPhone 5 this year, then by Apple’s clock, the iPhone 5 is overdue already. Even if it’s somehow ready to go before the end of 2011, that won’t happen. It’s too close to the holiday season, and Apple has already tagged the iPhone 4S as its flagship holiday product. But all bets are off once 2012 arrives, and Apple starts looking at launching the iPhone 5 as early in the year as it’s ready to go. That still doesn’t predict whether the iPhone 5 will be ready from a technical standpoint by the spring, or the summer, or the fall. But with no remaining allegiance to annual launches, and with the revelation that the iPhone 5 is already four months late to market according to Apple’s own calendar, there’s no reason to expect the iPhone 4S to get a full twelve months in the spotlight unless the iPhone 5 simply isn’t ready any sooner.

PTCL starts broadband services in Sukkur

Karachi—The Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) under the Universal Service Fund (USF) has started the installation and provision of broadband services in Sukkur Region. This was stated by PTCL’s Senior Executive Vice-President Corporate Development, Sikandar Naqi. In a statement here on Saturday he said that the PTCL is working in a determined manner for the government’s programme of the promotion of the development of telecommunication services and spread of modern information and communication technology services to ensure dissemination of knowledge and information. It said that the PTCL in open bidding obtained the right for provision of broadband services in 10 districts of Sukkur Region. These included Ghotki, Jacobabad, Kambar-Shahdadkot, Khairpur, Nausherferoze, Shaheed Benazirabad (Nawabshah). In these districts 104 educational broadband centres and 51 community broadband centres would also be established, it was further stated.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Scope of Computer Science ( I.T ) Education in Pakistan

In Pakistan there is not a lot of scope of I.T but it is growing up. It is because of lack of initiative from business owners and lack of skill from computer students. It is habitual in our computer students that they never take any interest in computer studies while they are in it. They just study to get through in exam. When they complete their study they are about empty headed. Another thing students usually might have is lack of creativity and hard work. So it is leading towards unemployment of computer students.

I am sure a computer expert can not stay unemployed if he is professional in at least one thing. Take example of an expert web designer. He could design over 4 websites at least but can make more than 1 lack Rs from these websites. A web designer can sell his designs, and each design might be sold from $5 to thousands of dollars depending upon his creativity. A software engineer can earn even more than that. If you are just a good typist which is most simplest job then you can earn more than 20,000Rs through data entry jobs at home. If you start a blog and work hard on it then you can earn more than 1 lac per month.

There are even hundreds of more ways to earn using your computer. These ideas are only if you don't get a good job being a computer expert .But in fact there are a lot of jobs waiting for you . It just needs your knowledge. So if you have great interest in computer I will advice you to get in this field.

Parents of most of computer interested students never want their son to be a computer expert. It is because they are afraid of current situations in Pakistan. They keep a traditional mind to deny importance of being a computer expert. In fact parents of students also know that coming up age is for computer experts. I just recommend all such parents to please don't get advice from your old friends or a computer failed person. But talk to a real computer expert or a computer teacher of well reputed university. I am sure he will give you a better advice.

Sunday 23 October 2011

Wolfram Alpha review - Ask a question, get answer

Well, if you are looking to get some quick answers then this is for you. Whether it is math of economics whether any science subject you can get answers from wolfram alpha. It can calculate distance for you.

If you want to measure distance between Multan and New York then just write " Distance from Multan to New York" and result will be as follows.


11390 km  (kilometers)
link to /input/?i=11390+kilometers&lk=1

Unit conversions:

7077 miles
link to /input/?i=7077+miles&lk=1

11390 km  (kilometers)
link to /input/?i=11390+kilometers&lk=1

1.139×10^7 meters
link to /input/?i=1.139%C3%9710%5E7+meters&lk=1

6150 nmi  (nautical miles)
link to /input/?i=6150+nautical+miles&lk=1

Direct travel times:

aircraft  (550 mph) | 12 hours 50 minutes\nsound | 9 hours 17 minutes\nlight in fiber | 53.2 ms  (milliseconds)\nlight in vacuum | 38 ms  (milliseconds)\n(assuming constant-speed great-circle path)
link to /input/?i=53.2+milliseconds&lk=1link to /input/?i=38+milliseconds&lk=1


San MarinoVatican CityMultanNew York City

Fraction of Earth circumference:

0.28 ~~ 1 \/ 4

You can solve your maths questions whether they are easy or hard. Just explore the site and get most of amazing things out there.