Sunday, 23 October 2011

Wolfram Alpha review - Ask a question, get answer

Well, if you are looking to get some quick answers then this is for you. Whether it is math of economics whether any science subject you can get answers from wolfram alpha. It can calculate distance for you.

If you want to measure distance between Multan and New York then just write " Distance from Multan to New York" and result will be as follows.


11390 km  (kilometers)
link to /input/?i=11390+kilometers&lk=1

Unit conversions:

7077 miles
link to /input/?i=7077+miles&lk=1

11390 km  (kilometers)
link to /input/?i=11390+kilometers&lk=1

1.139×10^7 meters
link to /input/?i=1.139%C3%9710%5E7+meters&lk=1

6150 nmi  (nautical miles)
link to /input/?i=6150+nautical+miles&lk=1

Direct travel times:

aircraft  (550 mph) | 12 hours 50 minutes\nsound | 9 hours 17 minutes\nlight in fiber | 53.2 ms  (milliseconds)\nlight in vacuum | 38 ms  (milliseconds)\n(assuming constant-speed great-circle path)
link to /input/?i=53.2+milliseconds&lk=1link to /input/?i=38+milliseconds&lk=1


San MarinoVatican CityMultanNew York City

Fraction of Earth circumference:

0.28 ~~ 1 \/ 4

You can solve your maths questions whether they are easy or hard. Just explore the site and get most of amazing things out there.